Laboratory medicine

Laboratory medicine

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Immunologist: job, responsibility and career guide

How to Become an Immunologist: Career Path Guide

If you want to become an immunologist, you first need to determine if this career path is a good fit for you. If the following description sounds like you, then you’re probably well suited for a career as an immunologist:

Those who become immunologists typically have a keen interest in the biological processes of the human body and its immune system. Immunologists that are passionate about understanding what is necessary for an immune system to function properly are typically those that are successful in their careers.  

Immunologists must enjoy conducting research, and they must be very comfortable expressing their professional opinion to other team members, such as those in research, management and public policy related positions.

In addition to an interest in the various elements of the profession, they must have an aptitude for academic work in the areas of molecular biology, immunology and epidemiology, as well as the intellectual and emotional stamina needed to complete the necessary education in these areas.

Immunologist Job Description

Immunologists are responsible for studying the functions of the body’s immune system for the purpose of developing new medical therapies, treatments and vaccines, and for finding ways to improve methods for treating different conditions.

In order to effectively develop these new products and methods, immunologists must investigate the development and effects of abnormal immune responses from the body, which are associated with a variety of conditions including autoimmune diseases, immunodeficiencies, allergies and transplant rejection.


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